Dirty Dozen, Clean 15 and Pesticides Revisited
We rely on food experts who will give us solid science, which ultimately helps our readers sort through the gobs of information available about food. After the Environmental Working Group released their “Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen” guide for consumers concerned about pesticides and whether to choose organic produce, we took this approach when we investigated the level of pesticide residues on some of our favorite organic and conventional fruits and veggies.
One of our go-to resources is the annual Pesticide Data Program (PDP) at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Access the PDP’s report here.
Another one of our favorites is this handy pesticide residue calculator that tells you how many servings of the fruit or veggie of your choice you can eat without being concerned about pesticides. This one comes from the Alliance for Food and Farming– a non-profit organization comprised of both organic and conventional farmers. And don’t forget to wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them!
Still have questions? Submit it here and we’ll get an expert to respond.
“Jerusalem Artichokes” by Christian Guthier is licensed under CC BY.