A Special Message From Best Food Facts
As it has become more difficult to separate fact from fiction, many people are questioning the source of their information. “Fake news” can spread easily and quickly. Especially in social media, it seems that twisted facts – or even made up stories – can be accepted as true without question.
That’s why we wanted to take a moment to remind you that at Best Food Facts, we are 100 percent committed to providing you with the facts.
The articles we post are not our opinions. Each article is written with the purpose to provide you with science-based information that you can use to make decisions about your food and health. The Best Food Facts network of experts includes University researchers, PhD scientists, registered dietitians and established experts in their field of study.
At times, scientists differ in their opinions and interpretation of data. We present these views with the goal to promote discussion. One of our experts noted that the malicious tone of many political debates has made its way into the food system. “It is rather distressing to see how permissible it has become in some sectors of our society to engage in unethical behavior just to make things go their way,” he reflected.
That’s why we take seriously our mission to deliver the Best Food Facts. Thank you to the experts for volunteering their time and expertise and a special thank you to you for visiting the site and sharing it with others.
As always, if you have a food question, send it in and we’ll get started on finding the answer.
The Best Food Facts Team