Meet the Expert: Denneal Jamison-McClung
Dr. Jamison-McClung is the Associate Director at the University of California-Davis Biotechnology Program.
Tell us one interesting fact about yourself.
I have always been pretty good at jigsaw puzzles…I get into a zone and can see where the pieces fit pretty quickly. This always impressed my grandma, anyway!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to garden, spend time outdoors, travel with my family, dabble in family tree research and read novels.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would probably choose super-speed (like the Flash), since I always seem to be running behind schedule! Perhaps I could catch up…
What are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about helping students find their dream vocation – everyone has special skills and talents that can be used to help the rest of humanity. Within science and technology, there are many interesting challenges to tackle – it is the best feeling to help other bright, creative people find their calling.