Are Feed Additives for Dairy Cows Safe?
New products that can be added to animal feed are being promoted to reduce greenhouse gas – specifically enteric methane...
Soy Milk: What Is It and Is It Healthy?
If you’ve taken a stroll down the dairy aisle lately, you may have noticed a change in the types and number of products...
On the Farm:
Are Cows Bad for the Environment?
Do cows harm the planet? As the world looks for solutions to address climate change, cows have been identified as a source...
On the Farm
A1 versus A2 Milk: What’s the Difference?
A special type of milk is gaining traction. It is called A2 milk and is promoted as easier to digest. What is A2 milk?...
Does Milk Contain Estrogen?
Hormones in milk is a topic that several readers have asked Best Food Facts about. We recently received this question from...
Does Milk Cause Acne?
We received a question from a reader asking if there was research that showed if drinking milk could contribute to acne....
Plant-Based Milk vs. Cow’s Milk: What’s the Difference?
Almond milk, soy milk, rice milk. The dairy aisle is changing. You’ve no doubt noticed a number of beverages offered as...
Everyone Has a Type… of Ice Cream
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! July is National Ice Cream Month, so we kicked off this month-long holiday...
Word of the Week:
Word of the Week: Lactose
Noun. Lactose is the natural sugar that is found in milk. Used in a sentence: Lactose is used to sweeten stout beer.
Word of the Week
Word of the Week:
Word of the Week: Curd
Noun. Curd is the thick substance that forms in milk when it sours or when making cheese. Used in a sentence: Fresh curd...
Word of the Week
4 Questions About Dairy Answered
If you have questions about dairy, Best Food Facts experts can help. They’ve tackled some of the most common dairy...
Lactose Intolerant? Here’s What You Should Know
Dr. Dennis Savaiano discusses foods to help with lactose intolerance.